Welcome back!

Given the guidelines set forth by Chippewa County, we are able to meet this month!

As June is normally the month we meet at Beaver Creek and discuss all things hive related, we have decided to continue the tradition and have hive inspections / discussions at the new community apiary in Lake Hallie (located at Business 53 and 40th Ave). Please bring a chair, and any snacks/beverage you may wish to have, as we cannot provide refreshments at this time.

If you wish to participate in the hive inspections, you way want to bring whatever PPE you feel comfortable in.

Speaking of PPE, as we are meeting outdoors, masks are optional at this meeting.

We will go through a hive inspection, discuss the apiary, and any other beekeeping topics group may have.  This will be a shorter than usual meeting, as no speakers per se.

Meeting is at the standard 2:00 time.

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